Monday, 10 August 2015

Sloka to Avoid Bad Dreams

   The sloka remembers the great warriors Hanuman, Garuda and Beema. They destroy the bad evils and the bad nightmares like they destroy the evils in world. They protect us like they protect Rama, Vishnu and Pandavas.

    This is Important sloka for children.  Chant this sloka before going to sleep to remove bad dreams, fear and have peaceful sleep. 

" Rama Skanda hanumantam vainadeyam vrukodaram
Sayane sa smaren nityam dus-swapnam tasya nashyati."

How to Chant:

Soundarya Lahari - part 1

The Soundarya Lahari meaning "Waves Of Beauty" is a famous literary work in Sanskrit believed to be written by sage Pushpadanta and Adi Shankara.

The praise of Devi-removal of obstacles and success in all endeavors: 

Siva Saktyaa yukto yadi bhavati Saktah prabhavitum
na chae daevam daevo na khalu kusalah spanditum api
atas twaam aaraadhyaam hari hara virinchaadibhir api
pranastum stotum vaa katham akrita punyah prabhavati. 01

"ஸர்வவிக்ன நாசம்; ஸகல கார்ய ஸித்தி" 

சிவ சக்த்யா யுக்தோ யதி பவதி சக்த: ப்ரபவிதும்
ந தேவம் தேவோ ந கலு குசல ஸ்பந்திது-மபி
அதஸ்-த்வாம்-ஆராத்யாம் ஹரி-ஹர-விரிஞ்சதிபி-ரபி
ப்ரணந்தும் ஸ்தோதும் வா கதமக்ருத-புண்ய:ப்ரபவதி [1]

O! Bhagavati! Only if Parama Siva is enjoined with You, the Sakti, He is empowered to
create. The same Lord is indeed powerless even to move sans Thy company. O! Mother,
the celebrities such as Hari, Hara and Brahma and others, ever worship Thee. In such a
context, how can one (I) be capable of saluting or praising you without the meritorious
effects of (my) yester deeds? 01

Attracting the entire world:

taneeya amsam paamsum tavacharana pankaeruha bhavam
virinchis sanchinwan virachayati lokaan avikalan
vahatyaenam Saurih katham api sahasraena Sirasaam
harah samkshudwainam bhajati bhasmod doolana vidhim. 02

'பாத தூளி மஹிமை' 

தநீயாம்ஸம் பாம்ஸும் தவ சரண-பங்கேருஹ-பவம்
விரிஞ்சி: சஞ்சின்வன் விரசயதி லோகானவிகலம்
வஹத்யேனம் சௌரி: ஸஹஸ்ரேண சிரஸாம்
ஹர: ஸம்க்ஷுத்யைனம் பஜதி பஸிதோத்தூலன-விதிம் [2]

O! Bhagavati, Virinchi (the Creator) carefully gathers the minute dust from Thy
celebrated lotus feet to accomplish his creativity of all the worlds, without any hindrance.
Shouri (Vishnu) somehow manages to carry this dust on his thousand heads. Hara (Siva)
amalgamates this powder and observes the injunction for sprinkling it on Himself as the
sacred ash (vibhooti). 02

 To attain knowledge on all subjects: 

avidyaanaam antas timira mihira dweepa nagaree
jadaanaam chaitanya stabaka makaranda sruti jharee
daridraanaam chintaamani gunanikaa janma jaladhau
nimagnaanaam damshtraa mura ripu varaahasya bhavati. 03

 'பாத தூளி முக்தி அளிப்பது' 

அவித்யானாம் அந்தஸ்திமிர- மிஹிர-த்வீப-நகரீ
ஜடானாம் சைதன்ய-ஸ்தபக-மகரந்த ஸ்ருதிஜரீ
தரித்ராணாம் சிந்தாமணி-குணநிகா ஜன்மஜலதௌ
நிமக்னானாம் தம்ஷ்ட்ரா முரரிபு-வராஹஸ்ய பவதி [3]

O! Mother! For the spiritually ignorant, engulfed by darkness, the dust of your lotus feet
is the shining Sun of an island city. For the dull witted, it is the flowing stream of honey
of the Kalpaka flower cluster, the pure intelligence. For those impoverished it is the
necklace granting all wealth like the Chintamani. For those immersed in the ocean of
samsara (births etc.,), it is the tusk of the savior Wild Boar (Varaaha Vishnu), the enemy
of Mura. 03<
The unparalleled power of Devi's feet - removal of fears and diseases:

twadanyah paanibhyaam abhaya varado daivata ganah
twam aekaa naiva asi prakatita vara abheety abhinayaa
bhayaat traatum daatum phalam api cha vaancaa samadhikam
saranyae lokaanaam tavahi charanaa vaeva nipunau. 04

"ஸகல பய/ரோக நிவ்ருத்தி" 

த்வதன்ய: பாணிப்யாம்-அபயவரதோ தைவதகண:
த்வமேகா நைவாஸி ப்ரகடித-வராபீத்யபிநயா
பயாத் த்ராதும் தாதும் பலமபி ச வஞ்சாஸமதிகம்
சரண்யே லோகானாம் தவ கி சரணாவேவ நிபுணௌ [4]

Other than you, the assemblages of gods assure protection from fear and gesticulate this
by the Abhaya mudra (hand gesture). You alone do not display such gesture with your
hand of bestowing boon and protection from fear. Oh! Mother, the refuge for the worlds!
Indeed, your expert feet (you are ready to walk up to us) are good enough in offering
such protection and giving bountiful rewards much in excess than our desires. 04

The power of Devi Puja - the capacity to attract the opposite sex:

hari stwaam aaraadhya pranata jana soubhaagya jananeem
puraa naaree bhootwaa pura ripum api kshobha manayat;
smaropi twaam satwaa rati nayana laehyaena vapushaa
muneenaam apy antah prabhavati hi mohaaya mahataam. 05

"தேவி பூஜையின் மஹிமை/ஸ்த்ரீ புருஷ வசியம்" 

ஹரிஸ்-த்வா-மாராத்த்ய ப்ரணத-ஜன சௌபாக்ய ஜனனீம்
புரா நாரீ பூத்வா புரரிபுமபி க்ஷோப-மனயத்
ஸ்மரோபி த்வாம் நத்வா ரதி நயன-லேஹ்யேன வபுஷா
முனீனா-மப்யந்த: ப்ரபவதி ஹி மோஹாய மஹதாம் [5]

O! Mother, the very cause of auspiciousness to people who worship You, Once Sri Hari
having worshipped you, has become an astonishingly beautiful woman and agitated the
mind of even Lord Siva and stole his pride. Having bowed to you, Smara (cupid) too is
blessed with an eternally handsome appearance which is like a soothening liniment to the
eyes of his consort, Rati. With this appearance, he has indeed generated delusion within
hearts of even great sages. 05

The power of Her graceful look - to beget progeny: 

dhanuh poushpam mourwee madhu karamayee pancha visikhaah
vasantas saamanto malaya marud aayodhana rathah
tathaa apy aekas sarwam hima giri sutae kaamapi kripaam
apaangaat tae labdhwaa jagad idam anango vijayatae. 06

"கடைக்கன் பார்வை/ புத்ர சந்தானம்" 

தனு: பௌஷ்பம் மௌர்வீ மதுகரமயீ பஞ்ச விசிகா:
வஸந்த: ஸமந்தோ மலயமரு-தாயோகன-ரத:
ததாப்யேக: ஸர்வம் ஹிமகிரிசுதே காமபி க்ருபாம்
அபாங்கத்தே லப்த்வா ஜதித-மனங்கோ விஜயதே [6]

O! Daughter of the snow mountain! What to say about your blessings! Manmadha’s bow
is sugarcane twig. Its string is made of bee line. His five arrows are flowers. Vasanta
(spring season) is his pal and companion. Gentle (Malaya) mountain breeze is his chariot
to wage his war. Thus, though all his instruments and associates are so inefficient,
Ananga (Manmadha) triumphs over this entire world. Isn’t because of the compassionate
glance from the corner of your eye? 06

Ability to see the Goddess - success over enemies: 

kwanat kaanchee daamaa kari kalabha kumbha stana nataa
pariksheenaa madhyae parinata sarat chandra vadanaa
dhanur bhaanaan paasam srunim api dadhaanaa karatalaih
purastaa daastaam nah puramathitu raaho purushikaa. 07

"தேவியின் ஸ்வரூபம்/ சாக்ஷாத்காரம்/ சத்ரு ஜயம்" 

க்வணத் காஞ்சீ-தாமா கரிகலப-கும்ப-ஸ்தன- நதா
பரிக்ஷீணா மத்த்யே பரிணத-ஸரச்சந்த்ர-வதனா
தனுர்-பாணான் பாசம் ஸ்ருணி-மபி ததானா கரதலை:
புரஸ்தா தாஸ்தம் ந: புரமதிது-ராஹோ-புருஷிகா [7]

Let the Divine Mother dwell intimately in our hearts …with her tinkling fillet girdle, Her
full bosom - akin to the frontal globes of a young elephant - making her bend forward
(reaching us), Her lean waist enhancing her beauty, Her face akin to the full autumnal
moon. She sports in her palms a bow and arrow, a noose and a goad. I revere this Divine
Mother who is the ‘I’ consciousness in the Lord, Parama Siva. 07

The abode of Devi - freedom from birth and death:

sudhaa sindhor madhyae sura vitapi vaatee parivritae
mani dweepae neepopa vanavati chintaamani grihae
Sivaakaarae manchae parama Siva paryanka nilayaam
bhajanti twaam dhanyaah katichina chidaananda lahareem. 08

தேவியின் சிந்தாமனி க்ருஹம் [ஜனன மரண நிவ்ருத்தி] 

ஸுதா ஸிந்தோர் மத்த்யே ஸுரவிடபி-வாடீ-பரிவ்ருதே
மணித்வீபே நீபோபவனவதி சிந்தாமனி க்ருஹே I
சிவாகாரே மஞ்சே பரமசிவ பர்யங்க நிலயாம்
பஜந்தி த்வாம் தன்யா: கதிசன சிதானந்த லஹரீம் II [8]

Only a few evolved souls are blessed to worship you Devi! O! the unending flood of
Eternal Bliss Absolute, You and Lord Siva sharing a same bed, with Siva himself as your
resting couch which is of the shape of a triangle (the Sakti triangle), in a house decorated
with several Chintamanis, possessed in the garden of Kadamba (kalpaka) trees, in the
vicinity of a park of celestial trees, in the midst of an island in the ocean of amrita
(ambrosia). 08

 Adhara chakras - long lost persons will return, attainment of eight types of wealth:

maheem moola adhaarae kamapi manipoorae hutaavaham
sthitam swaadhishthaanae hridi marutam aakaasam upari
mano api bhroomadhyae sakalamapi bhittwaa kulapatham
sahasraarae padmae naha rahasi patyaa viharasae . 09

"ஆதார சக்கரங்கள்" [சென்றவர் திரும்பி வர, அஷ்டைஸ்வர்ய ப்ராப்தி] 

"மஹிம் மூலாதாரே கமபி மணிபூரே ஹுதவஹம்
ஸ்த்திதம் ஸ்வாதிஷ்ட்டானே ஹ்ருதி மருத-மாகாச-முபரி I
மனோபி ப்ரூமத்யே ஸகலமபி பித்வா குலபதம்
ஸஹஸ்ராரே பத்மே ஸஹ ரஹஸி பத்யா விஹரஸே" II [9]

May I understand Thee! You are The Earth element in the Mula Adhara, The Water
element in the Manipoora, The Fire element present in the Svadhishthana (inner core of
conciousness), The Air element in the heart, (going) above the Space element, and Thy
mind element between Thy brows (Thy immanent vision). Thus having passed through
all the Pancha (five) Bhootas (Gross Elements) and exhausting them in Thy path
(Kulapatha), You sport your creative activity in secret with your husband in the thousand
petalled lotus. 09

 Muladharam - increase in strength of body and virility: 

sudhaa dhaaraa saarais charana yugalaantar wigalitaih
prapancham sinchantee punar api rasaamnaaya mahanah,
avaapya swaam bhoomim bhujaga nibhamadyushtha valayam
swam aatmaanam kritwaa swapishi kulakundae kuharini. 10

மூலாதாரம் [சரீர சுத்தி, வீர்ய விருத்தி] 

ப்ரபஞ்சம் ஸ்ஞ்சஎதீ புனரபி ரஸாம்னாய-மஹஸ: I
அவாப்ய ஸ்வாம் பூமிம் புஜகநிப-மத்தயுஷ்ட-வலயம்
ஸ்வமாத்மானம் க்ருத்வா ஸ்வபிஷி குலகுண்டே குஹரிணி II [10]

O! Mother! You infuse the whole universe with Amrita, drenching it in this torrential
stream (Amruta dhaara), which trickls from within your pair of feet. Once again, this
flow reaches your territory, after drenching the Moon - who is apparent essence of
Amrita. You pervade the Earth element in the form of Kundalini Sakti (Kula Kunda) by
making yourself into three and a half coils similar to a serpent, sleeping in it as
exceedingly subtle consciousness. 10

How To Chant:

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Maha Mrityunjaya Stotram for Health.

   This Stotram was said to have been written by Sage Markandeya after being saved by Lord Shiva (as Kala Samhara Murti). Lord Shiva saves Markandeya then a boy from the clutches of death/time (Yama/Kala).

"Rudram, pashupatim, sthanum, neelkantham, umapatim,
Namami sheerasadevam, kimno mrityu karishyate,

Neelkantham, kalamurtim, kalagnyam, kalanashanam,
Namami sheerasadevam, kimno mrityu karishyate,

Namah shivay samba, haraye paramatmaney,
Pranat klesh nashaye, yoginaam pataye namah,

Neelkantham, viropaksham, nirmalam, neelayaprabham,
Namami sheerasadevam, kimno mrityu karishyate,

Vamdevam, Mahadevam, loknatham, jagatgurum,
Namami sheerasadevam, kimno mrityu karishyate,

Namah shivay samba, haraye paramatmaney,
Pranat klesh nashaye, yoginaam pataye namah,

Devdevam, jaganatham, devesha, vrishabadwajam,
Namami sheerasadevam, kimno mrityu karishyate,

Gangadharam, mahadevam, sarva, bharanabhooshitam,
Namami sheerasadevam, kimno mrityu karishyate,

Namah shivay samba, haraye paramatmaney,
Pranat klesh nashaye, yoginaam pataye namah,

Anath, paramanandam, kaivalya, pradagaminam
Namami sheerasadevam, kimno mrityu karishyate,

Swarga bhanwarta dataram, srishti stiti vinashakam
Namami sheerasadevam, kimno mrityu karishyate,

Namah shivay samba, haraye paramatmaney,
Pranat klesh nashaye, yoginaam pataye namah,

Utpati stiti samhara, kartar meeshwaram gurum,
Namami sheerasadevam, kimno mrityu karishyate,

Markandeya kritam stotram, yaspathet shiva sanidhou,
Tasya mrityu bhayam nasty na agni chora bhayam kwachita

Namah shivay samba, haraye paramatmaney,
Pranat klesh nashaye, yoginaam pataye namah,

Shatavritum prakartavya, sankate kasht nashanam,
Shuchir bhutva pathe stotram, sarva siddhi pradayakam,

Mrityunjaya mahadeva, trahimam sharanagatam,
Janma mrityun jadharogehi, peeditam karma bandhanehi 

Namah shivay samba, haraye paramatmaney,
Pranat klesh nashaye, yoginaam pataye namah,

Namah shivay samba, haraye paramatmaney,
Pranat klesh nashaye, yoginaam pataye namah,

Pranat klesh nashaye, yoginaam pataye namah."


I Pray to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Shiva

Who destroys the fear of death.
The Supreme Lord,
Who is the lord of all beings,
Who is always in the state of equanimity,
Who has a blue neck,
And who is the consort of Divine Mother Uma.

I Pray to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Shiva

Who destroys the fear of death.
Whose neck is blue,
Who is beyond birth and death,
Who knows past, present and future (Primordial),
Who destroyed the god of death.

I Pray to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Shiva

Who destroys the fear of death.
Who stored the deadly poison in his throat,
Whose nature is of Supreme bliss,
Who is all effulgent,
Who is pure and immutable.

I Pray to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Shiva

Who destroys the fear of death.
Who is Omniscient,
Who bestows the Supreme Knowledge
Who is the Lord of the Universe,
And who is the Supreme Teacher.

I Pray to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Shiva

Who destroys the fear of death.
Who is the God of gods.
The Lord of all Living and Non-Living,
The Supreme Lord,
who has a bull symbol flag.

I Pray to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Shiva

Who destroys the fear of death.
Who holds the holy river Ganga,
The Supreme Lord,
Who has poisonous Serpents as ornaments.

I Pray to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Shiva

Who destroys the fear of death.
Who is primordial,
Who is nature is of Supreme bliss,
Who bestows Salvation.

I Pray to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Shiva

Who destroys the fear of death.
Who bestows happiness,
Who is the Supreme Cause, Protector, and annihilator of the Universe.

I Pray to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Shiva

Who destroys the fear of death.
Who is responsible for the order of
creation, maintenance and destruction,
Who is the teacher of Supreme Knowledge.

How To Chant: